Training Tips
Greetings. I have been writing and sending these out since 2015, and for you who have just joined us, welcome to the Gilman Studio Training Tips. These Tips are a result of my desire to share my life’s study and teaching in the area of Internal Arts and human potential.
I have taught Tai Chi and Qigong since 1973 and shared with thousands of people, and yet feel limited, as I live in a small community in the northwest corner of Washington State. I wanted to reach a larger audience on a regular basis. Thus, the Training Tips was born.
Most books on Tai Chi are written by an instructor to share his or her form. They are meant to teach the movements. They also, usually include short chapters on history and philosophy, but that is usually limited. I have written two Tai Chi books and now these Training Tips, not as “how to” books, but as “why to” books. Most people who are attracted to Tai Chi seek relaxation, focus, balance, health improvement, and a very few, martial skills. What most people need to carry on with their studies is motivation. That is what these Tips are all about. I want to encourage students to continue to practice, and continue looking deeper into this marvelous art form, and that only comes from regular and continuous practice.
I hope you read through all of these and maybe one or more will stimulate you to stay with your initial interest and enthusiasm. You can bookmark the ones you like to go back to in the future. As you grow and change, the meaning of these Tips will change, and hopefully you will find you understand them in your body, mind and spirit. If you aren’t already receiving these in your mailbox, subscribe and it will come as regular as clockwork on Monday mornings. The Gilman Studio never shares your information.
I sincerely hope you enjoy these and share them with your friends. You will make me happy. Thank you for your interest in our beloved art.
Volcanoes/How and What to Practice – 6/11/18
Morning practice on the Wharf This week I have been reading about two very active volcanos – one in Guatemala and one in Hawaii. This is a big deal. Lots of death and destruction. This morning I was practicing on the wharf and as I faced south, there loomed Mt Rainer....
read moreDepends/Knees – 6/4/18
Depends When I first studied Tai Chi, I had no idea what it was. I thought that Master Choy's way was the only way. As I continued my studies I became aware that there was so much more to Tai Chi than I had thought. At the time there were no books, no video, no...
read moreAll Wheel Drive/Schedule Update – 5/28/18
All Wheel Drive Last week I shared the idea of a gas engine in my kua area. The explosion of gas and air and spark in the hip pushes the rear leg down which forces the body forward. And the same thing happens in the front leg when the weight moves onto it and it is...
read moreImagery Leads to Excellence – 5/21/18
Imagery One of the most well known Tai Chi teachers was T.T. Liang who wrote a book entitled, “Imagination Becomes Reality”. It is closely related to the idea, “What you think shall come to pass.” What both these thoughts express is the power of the mind to channel...
read morePerfect Weather for Practice – 5/14/18
What a perfect week-end here in Port Townsend. Mid 70's, clear skies. It really brought out a nice crowd for our practice in Chetzemoka Park. Standing by the Straits of Juan de Fuca with the snow capped mountains in the background, stimulated deep breathing and...
read moreOriginal Qi/ Qigong 6 Week Series – 5/7/18
Original Qi I recently received a question from an online student about original Qi. Here is my answer. Hello, I have been doing some reading about qigong and I have a (maybe more) theoretical question to put, which I think it is a little "controversial", but very...
read moreBone Energy/Go With the Flow/Saber Class – 4/30/18
Bone Energy Internal energy is known as bone energy as opposed to muscle energy. If you want to use internal energy, line up your bones. Keep in mind that between each bone and its neighbor is a joint. For maximum use of body dynamics and internal power, limit bending...
read moreFamous Tai Chi Masters/Tai Chi Saber Class – 4/23/18
Teachers – Famous and not so much Some years ago, I heard there was a fellow moving to Port Townsend who had been a student of many famous Tai Chi Masters and was authorized to teach. I had never heard his name mentioned in the Tai Chi world, but was looking forward...
read moreGood vs Wise / Wold Tai Chi Day – 4/16/18
Good vs Wise There is a saying, “ A good teacher teaches what he (she) has been taught. A wise teacher teaches what he has learned.” I think that many of us in the internal arts have had teachers who have a good grasp of some form or system and can even share this...
read moreLaughing and Crying/World Tai Chi Day – 4/9/18
Laughing and Crying The serious Tai Chi player views life in the terms of yin and yang. He is always seeking to understand how to find balance in life – not too much of this or that. Moderation in all things. Mother nature is the perfect example of this fact. The...
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