Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 366 Rituals Rituals evolve from need. If a farmer needs water, and he does something that results in water, the chances are good that he will repeat the same actions again. If baseball player is on a streak, many times he will do...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 365 Marvelous Hands The hands are the fine tools of the internal arts practitioner. They have to be able to sense and convey to the brain the most subtle messages, as well as, when needed, being able to concentrate and emit a most...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 364 Working with Energy Compression, torsion, and rebounding are three of the main ways that we work with energy in Tai Chi, to produce seemingly effortless results. All of these actions are used in every day movements, yet...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 363 Comfortable Stance The only stance that is correct in Tai Chi, as well as other internal arts, is a natural, comfortable stance. If it is not natural and comfortable, you will lose relaxation, causing tension, which will...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 362 Duai La – Natural Balance There is a term in the Chinese Internal Arts – Duai La – which means counter balance of energy. Every effective force issued from our body is met with an equal and opposite force. If we want to...
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