Standing Meditation – Zhan Zhuang – 8/9/21

Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip #329 Standing Meditation – Zhan Zhuang Standing meditation or Zhan Zhuang is an ancient form of Chi Kung that is gaining popularity in China and the rest of the world. This system is simple on the outside, and as deep as the...

Chi Kung (Qigong) – 8/2/21

Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 328 Chi Kung (Qigong) Chi Kung is the study of Universal energy’s becoming and interacting with the human body. Through this study, we strive to understand how the universe works, to understand our interaction with this...

The Path / Structural Alignment- 7/26/21

Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip #327 The Path The internal arts have always been a path to enlightenment, a path to the full knowing of ourselves. This path is not without its ups and downs, detours, and obstacles. When we decide to start learning Tai Chi, we keep...

Yin and Yang of Travel – 7/19/21

Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 326 Yin/Yang of Travel Summer is upon us and that gets me thinking of travel. And, of course, there is a yin way and a yang way to travel. Let me share some ideas. In 1967, I was a television director in San Francisco, engaged to...

Bring Joy – 7/12/21

Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip #325 Bring Joy It is, and has been, my life’s philosophy, to make everyone I come into contact with feel better about themselves and others. My marriage was based on the idea of doing whatever I could to make the other person...

Wave Hands – 7/5/21

Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 324 Wave Hands I recently got an email question and comment from a long time Tai Chi/Qigong instructor who teaches in Argentina. He was interested in my thoughts regarding the yin/yang of the movements. He asked if some moves were...