Greetings. A lot to share in the next tips series. Standing meditation, followed by meditative Tai Chi form tips. Enjoy. Sitting vs Standing Meditation As I mentioned last time, there is a difference between yogic and Tai Chi meditation. Yoga generally uses a sitting...
Greetings. For the next couple of Tips, i want to talk about meditation. Meditation- Yoga and Tai Chi The process of meditation in yoga and tai chi are quite similar – to build up energy in the lower belly, and send it up to the top of the head, refining it along the...
Greetings. I like to share stories about Tai Chi practice that have meaning. Many of you have written me back with your own stories. I enjoy this very much and I am sorry if I don’t have time to write everyone back. But thank you. Excuse Me Sir In 1978, I was on...
Greetings. We are so fortunate to have a form of exercise/meditation that is so lovely that it can be practiced anywhere at anytime. Animals and Tai Chi This morning I went to Chetzemoka Park for my practice. This is the place where we gather for our Saturday morning...
Greetings. I hope you enjoy this short version of the story of one of our instructors at The Gilman Studio. He is my partner in the Yang Style Tai Chi Applications Videos on YouTube. Check them out. An inspiring Story In the year 2000, I...
Yin/Yang of the Eyes Yin and Yang of Eyes. Using peripheral verses direct focus is important in all martial arts and especially in the meditative process of Tai Chi Chuan. Peripheral or Glance is yin. Fast motion is most easily captured by peripheral vision. Direct...
Greetings. I hope you enjoyed the week-end. Here in Port Townsend it is clear and mild. The snow capped mountains sparkle against the deep blue of the sky. Lovely. The Journey I love hearing from my fellow Tai Chi players. Many write to ask me how long will it take...
More on Flow One of the last tips I sent out was on pacing. I suggested a counting method. Today (Saturday) is our usual practice day in Chetzemoka Park in Port Townsend. We talked about this concept of slow, even movements and then practiced our forms, concentrating...
Greetings. This has been, and is, an adventure. I have so much I want to share, and no idea of what will come out as I sit to write. I hope you are enjoying the process. I have received quite a few emails, and one that I didn’t expect came from Robert Brown, a...
Greetings. We will start to explore more specific tips to help your appreciation of Tai Chi practice. A little theory and then off we go. Imagination Becomes Reality T.T. Liang, one of America’s great Tai Chi teachers, used the phrase “Imagination Becomes...