Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 295 Building from the Ground Up At this mornings practice, I noticed a couple of the newcomers trying to follow along, and they needed help. Most people are attracted to Tai Chi for the flowing movements, with the hands and...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 294 Teaching Kids I really like young people. Their enthusiasm and excitement for learning is heart warming for me. I would like to share some random thoughts about my experiences with teaching Tai Chi, Qigong, and massage to...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 293 Lesson from the Park Chetzemoka Park provides so much for our Tai Chi group. The park is filled with trees, both deciduous and evergreens, as well as some nice open spaces for our group to play on. Every time we meet, the...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 292 Tai Chi is Like Champagne I am writing this after a wonderful morning of practice. We feel so fortunate to live in Port Townsend, a truly benign weather place. We have been meeting in the park, four times a week, and have been...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 291 Always Peng As we all know, Tai Chi Chuan is based on the Daoist theory of yin and yang. These terms do not describe two different things – just two sides of the same coin. Actions such as gather (yin) and release (yang);...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 290 Pro and Con I get many comments about my modification of the traditional Yang Form, some pro and some con. Most cons have to do with the idea that Yang Lu Chan made up the form in a certain way and we should try our best to...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 289 Standing Meditation There is no human activity that I can think of that is not improved by sharpening one’s mind focus. This is the main goal of meditation. Most meditation techniques involve sitting with legs crossed,...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 288 A Tai Chi Practice Problem This is a question send to me this week. I think it is a problem that many students face. “How should I divide up my time if I want to strengthen the body with warm up exercises, read about tai chi,...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 286 Questions from Students After my Tip on Elbow Sinking (Tip #267), I got a question from someone online. He asked: “ * I tried doing the exercise as you suggested, and it doesn’t seem to do anything. I don’t feel...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 287 Tai Chi Makes You Smarter Practice the internal arts and you will become smarter. Exercise increases growth hormones in the brain that stimulate the neurons to increase their size, and the number of their connections to...
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For more information, call the Gilman Studio at (360) 385-5027