Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 363 Comfortable Stance The only stance that is correct in Tai Chi, as well as other internal arts, is a natural, comfortable stance. If it is not natural and comfortable, you will lose relaxation, causing tension, which will...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 362 Duai La – Natural Balance There is a term in the Chinese Internal Arts – Duai La – which means counter balance of energy. Every effective force issued from our body is met with an equal and opposite force. If we want to...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 361 Teaching There will come a time, and I hope not too far in the future, when a person will be judged not by what he has, but what he gives! There needs to be a shift in thinking about what is valued and important. In our...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 360 Spirituality Most people have a belief in, and desire for, something greater than themselves. Groups of like minded “seekers” have been organized into what is called “a religion”. Religions have a belief in someone, or...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 359 More on Tai Chi Meditation We have been examining meditation from the Tai Chi perspective for the last several weeks. Since most students of Tai Chi are seeking meditative exercise, let’s look one more time at this...
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