Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip #411 Famous Tai Chi Master Some years ago, I heard there was a fellow moving to Port Townsend who had been a student of many famous Tai Chi Masters and was authorized to teach. I had never heard his name mentioned in the Tai Chi...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 410 Remembering Master Choy A long forgotten incident emerged recently. I thought you might enjoy hearing a bit of history relating to Master Choy and my early Tai Chi studies This event occurred in 1972. Master Choy asked if I...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tips #409 Tai Chi and Qigong Reading List Most people who start Tai Chi classes never finish. They don’t see immediate results so they give up. They need motivation to keep going – that is the value of books on Tai Chi and...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tips #408 Tai Chi Chuan Thoughts – #2 I hope one or more of these turns you onto a new way of thinking about Tai Chi. 24. Tai Chi is natural. It is fast movement done slowly, not just slow movements. 25. Pantomime real movements....
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tips #407 Tai Chi ChuanThoughts – #1 This is a random collection of thoughts about the practice of Tai Chi. They all might not mean something to you at this moment, but they are important to contemplate. This list is included in...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tips #406 Turkey With the Earthquake so much in the news, it brings to mind my time spent in one of the earth’s most interesting countries, Turkey, and how it relates to Tai Chi. As I’ve shared with you before, I was a...
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