Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tips #407
Tai Chi ChuanThoughts – #1
This is a random collection of thoughts about the practice of Tai Chi. They all might not mean something to you at this moment, but they are important to contemplate. This list is included in the Tai Chi Manual posted at my site. I’ll share half this Monday, and the other half next week.
1. Back is always straight without being stiff.
2. The top of the head is held as if suspended from above.
3. The knee always points in the direction that the toe is pointed.
4. The knee just covers the toe unless you aren’t strong enough or want to go further for competition or demonstration.
5. Nose points to one knee or the other or in the middle. The nose never goes outside the knee. That leads to imbalance.
6. Always step as far as you can without moving the body until the root is established with the stepping foot.
7. When stepping forward the heel always touches down first.
8. Never use tension – only attention.
9. Tuck the buttocks under to help keep the spine straight.
10. Eyes glance forward at a 45 degree angle downward. It relaxes the eyes as well as trains the eyes to focus on opponent’s center.
11. Eyes follow the hands glancing about one foot beyond.
12. Speed of practice is constant no matter how slow or fast. Practice at different speeds.
13. Keep the top of the head lifting up. It stabilizes the body and keeps it in balance.
14. Energy follows the mind. 
15. Energy is released like a spring. First you compress or create tension, then release.
16. Make sure that the energy has a clear, open channel between the source and the exit.
17. Make sure the legs do the work. The legs generate the energy and the hands express it.
18. Any tension restricts the flow of energy, like bending a hose. You’ll end up with only a trickle.
19. Pay special attention to the joints. This is where the energy transfers from one part of the body to the next.
It is easy to cut off or restrict energy at these junctures. Practice Silk Reeling to open the joints.
20. If you want to push, you must pull first and vice versa. If you want to go up, first you must pull down.
21. Don’t open the joints more than straight or 180 degrees. The joint loses its strength past this point.
22. Don’t let the elbows get behind the body. The arm is very easily controlled if this happens.
23. Let the wrist assume the posture of Beautiful Maiden, open and soft. The energy will then easily flow out the Lao Kung or Chi exit point in the center of the palm.
24. Tai Chi is natural. It is fast movement done slowly, not just slow movements.
25. Pantomime real movements. Without understanding what the movement really is in a martial sense, you’ll never be able to do Tai Chi Chuan.