Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 240 Yang’s Ten Essential Points of Tai Chi Chuan These are ten essential principles or points that make Tai Chi unique among meditative/martial exercises. You must study and contemplate these ideas until your mind has...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip – Number 239 Live for Today? We in the West are not encouraged to plan for the future. We often hear the philosophy of living just for today, for there most probably won’t be a tomorrow, because of the threats of growing...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 238 Effective Force Every effective force issued from our body also uses an equal and opposite energy. As we move forward from Sit Stance to Bow Stance, our back foot pushes down from the hip, while our forward foot acts like a...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 237 Exploring Stress Stress, especially unrelenting stress, plays havoc with all the systems of our body.There is only one sure-fire way to deal with this as far as I can see – soften and relax. Let me give you an example....
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 236 Lao Kung Point I want to share with you something I was playing with during this morning’s practice session. It is in regard to an energy center called the Lao Kung point. It reaches the surface of the body in the center...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 235 Varied Tai Chi Forms How beautiful and wondrous the varied styles and forms of Tai Chi! The current trend toward the standardization of Tai Chi forms for competition and ease of teaching is so limiting that I feel saddened....
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