Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 352 The Old Man I was sorting some old papers and came across this article. A favorite of mine. I think you will find it touching and meaningful. It was written by Terry Dobson about Aikido , but could just as easily have been...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 351 Article For Newspaper Just this week I was contacted by our local newspaper, The Leader, to see if I would be interested in doing a short article for their Wellness supplement, published twice a year and coming out the end of...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 350 Letting Nature Clean The Body I recently was practicing in the park, and where we practice, we overlook the Admiralty Inlet to the Puget Sound. This Sound goes all the way past Seattle and ends near Olympia. This is a big body...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 349 Some Thoughts on Chi Our bodies are made up from Yin Chi from the energy of the earth, Yang Chi from the heavens including the sun, Prenatal Chi that is the Chi we get from our parents and, if you so believe, God. This...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 348 Vital Self Help Information To Stay Safe in The New Year The chances for injuries while practicing Tai Chi are very small. If you stay in your body, (meaning that your awareness is on the activity you are engaged in at the...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip #347 Purpose of Training For those of you who are just joining in, I want to remind you that these Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tips are mostly directed at “why to practice”, not so much “details of form structure”. This weeks...
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