Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 221 Part Two of the interview I did with the Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association * How did you become acquainted with Tai Chi? Please decribe your particular background with the practice and how you got to where...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 220 In 2008, I was interviewed by Robert O’Block, the Founder and Publisher of The Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association.It is a magazine published quarterly for psychotherapists. The title of the article was...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 219 Master Choy – A remembrance A long forgotten incident emerged recently. I thought you might enjoy hearing a bit of history relating to Master Choy and my early Tai Chi studies that occurred around this same time of year in...
Monday Morning Tai Chi Training Tip # 218 I Ching or Book of Changes The I Ching is one of the most profound and philosophically important books ever written. It is attributed to Fu Hsi, around 2000 BCE, in what is now China. It is the first book to describe and...
Monday Morning Training Tip #216 Tai Chi Chuan – Meditation in Motion There a many types of formal, systematized meditation techniques. From opening the body, to opening the heart, to opening the mind, there is a technique for everyone. I started meditating in my life...
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