Gilman Studio On-Line Lessons
Yang Style Tai Chi Special 34 Movement Short Form
This Lesson Contains:
Movement # 26 (Part Two) – Grasp The Bird’s Tail
This sequence is basically the same as Movements # 3,4,5,6. Each one of these separate parts is a single movement with a separate application – Right Push Upward, Roll Back, Press, Push.

Right Push Upward
Yoshi attacks with his left hand. I neutralize it to my left, closing him up. I then step behind him and throw him over my leg.
From Ward Off, turn the torso to the left keeping the weight on the forward foot and pivot out the left toe to face half way between north and east. Be sure it is the torso turning that turns out the left toe. Roll up onto the right toe. The hands come into center position by bring the left hand over to the front of the crotch. The left palm turns downward.
Focus on the left palm for joining.
I now add a pull to lead Yoshi further than he wanted to go, and step behind him to seal his probable retreat.
Step forward with the right heel. The toe faces slightly to the right of east. Sink the weight deeper into the left Kua. Keep the torso facing the direction the left toe is headed. The hands stay in basically the same position.
Focus on the pull with the left palm and the correct stepping with the right foot.
I throw Yoshi over my right leg with Peng Jing.
Shift the weight onto the right foot and turn the torso to face the direction the right toe is headed. Make sure the knee just covers the toe. Don’t lean forward. At the end of the movement, let the torso turning turn in the rear toe slightly.
The right arm expands up, out, and moves with the body to end by the right shoulder with the palm facing inward.
The left palm turns to face the right forearm and moves with the body turn, staying by the left side of the chest.
Focus on the right forearm for issuing the Peng Jing.

Roll Back
Yoshi attacks with his left hand. I neutralize it to the left and apply an arm bar.
Shift the weight back onto the left foot, and at the same time, turn the torso until the nose points to the left knee. Don’t lean back.
The left palm rotates counterclockwise and moves down to end at the left side of the waist with the palm facing up. The right arm stays in basically the same position, moving left with the torso, only the palm turns to face left.
Focus on the interaction of the left palm and right forearm to Roll Back and put pressure on the opponent’s elbow.

Here I apply Ghee Jing, which send energy deep into Yoshi’s body. I am aiming it downward and his body is caught between my outward pressure and the earth.
Shift the weight back onto the right foot and as you do, turn the torso until the nose points to the right knee. The knee just covers the toe. Don’t lean forward.
The right arm drops until the forearm is parallel to the ground. It is round with the palm facing the center of the chest.
The left hand rotates clockwise as it circles up to the left side of the chest.
The two arms then expand outward as the torso turns, applying Ghee Jing or powerful striking out energy.
Focus on the back of the right wrist and the left palm.

Here Yoshi pushes with both arms towards my body. I neutralize the energy outward, then close him up and push him away.
Shift the weight straight back into the left Kua. Don’t lean backward.
The two arms open at the end of Press by turning palms down with the arms basically straight, like in Commencement. The arms then move back with the body and the elbows soften.
Focus on the two forearms/wrists.
Note: This application picture shows the opening of the two arms as I move back, gathering energy into my left Kua.
Shift the weight straight ahead until the knee just covers the toe.
The two arms move forward with the body and expand outward. Keep the elbows soft. Don’t lean forward. Remember that the push comes from the stored energy in the left leg/Kua, not the just the arms.
Focus on the two palms.