Lesson 14:

Gilman Studio On-Line Lessons



Yang Style Long Form

Tai Chi Chuan


This Lesson Contains:

Right Brush Knee

This application is quite similar to the previous movement. The attack comes high, toward my face. I sink back to get out of range and neutralize with my right palm, closing my opponent up. I then follow up with a palm strike or throw over my leg.


Shift the weight back into Ding Bow on Heel. As you do this, turn the waist slightly to the left and pivot out the left toe to face a bit more to the left. The right palm has turned to face the left, and the left hand has turned over to face upward. This is seen more clearly below.

It is important to always follow the incoming energy in Tai Chi. In this case, Rex punches toward my face. I neutralize this energy by joining and leading it to the side. Hopefully this will lead him out of his root and make it easier to control him.  I do not block his punch with a right angle strike, as this would most probably help to root him even more.

Focus on the right palm for attaching.


This is the moment of decision. If Rex loses his balance and falls forward, I am ready to move to the left and follow him. If he retreats, which is the case here, I will follow him back. There is a saying in Tai Chi that when an opponent attacks, I am just out of reach, and when he retreats; I stick to him like glue. In any case, his strength is neutralized.

The weight is shifted to the left foot. At the very end when my knee covers the toe, I roll up the rear foot onto the toe. This is all part of my stepping forward with the right foot in the next picture. The left hand has circled up to end up on the left side of the chest. The right arm has started to neutralize downward into brushing the knee and opening Rex up.

Focus on the right forearm for neutralizing.


Step forward onto the right heel. The foot will be placed to the right of your opponent to trap him and allow a good place to shift your weight. The right arm has continued to open the opponent’s center by dropping  (brushing the knee). The left palm remains ready to block or attack.

Focus mostly on the right forearm for opening.


The movement is completed. The weight is shifted onto the right foot until the knee covers the toe. The left hand has extended outward to end up on the left side of the chest. The elbow is relaxed. The right hand is palm downward on the right side and slightly in front of the right thigh. There is a feeling of pushing outward with the left palm and of pulling backward with the right palm.

If I push Rex with my left palm only, he can go with the energy and possibly escape. By pulling with the right palm, he is stretched and it is difficult for him to remain balanced. Notice in the picture how I also bump his knee with my knee to add to his loss of root.

Focus most of your attention on the left palm for striking, but also some in the right palm for balance.


Here is a different view, from the west. Notice in the first picture how the left hand turns palm upward, the right palm faces to the left, as the weight is shifted back onto the right foot. The left toe lifts.

In the second picture the left hand has been brought up to the left side of the upper chest with the fingers relaxed. The right arm starts to fold. The weight has shifted to the left foot and the right heel rolls up.


In the first picture, the right foot has stepped out, heel touching, without adding weight to the foot. The right arm has continued to fold downward at lower belly level. Left hand is still relaxed by the left side of the chest.

In the second picture the weight has been shifted to the forward foot, with the knee just covering the toe. The left hand has pushed forward, extending, on the left side of the chest. Elbow is drooped. Right palm faces downward with elbow relaxed.



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